Thursday, July 28, 2011

123 - thursday

I stood at my front door tonight like an excited puppy, waiting for a GIANT thunderstorm to blow through so I could do my hill workout. once things finally seemed to be letting up, I made a run for it (ha ha ha). outfit: check. shoes: check. ipod: check. I've had too many runs where my garmin dies a few miles in (because I'm lazy and always forget to charge it), so lately I've been diligent about checking battery level before I head out. tonight was no different. battery was at 83%. garmin: check. go time.

hello, giant thunderstorm

I wore this really ugly but really bright orange shirt to make sure no cars hit me, since the thunderhead was blocking the sunset and it was pretty dark out there (and yet I still brought my sunglasses? sometimes I make no sense to me). I had a close encounter with a car driving way too fast yesterday. I was running along the shoulder and yet the jerk still made a point of honking at me as he sped by. so rude. what I'm saying is...visibility was key tonight. 

the workout was 1.5 mile warmup, 4 hill repeats with jogging back to start, 1.5 mile cooldown. easy peasy. the thunderstorm had cooled off the air and taken away some of the humidity, and I felt like I was flying during my warmup. about a mile in, I glanced down to check my pace and see if I needed to pull back, but all I saw was a blank screen. my stupid garmin was dead.

no pace or distance data for this girl! womp, womp. 

the hill I ran is steeper towards the top than at the bottom, so I focused on keeping good form during the repeats. high knees, elbows in, shoulders relaxed, slight forward lean, making sure my knees/ankles didn't go flying across the midline. all that good stuff. I can't help but be annoyed about my garmin. I have no idea why the battery crashed, and I was really looking forward to my data. drill workouts (tempo runs, track intervals, hill repeats) are my favorite to monitor over a marathon training cycle, because I like seeing how I've improved week to week. but now, I'm almost a month into this cycle without a baseline hill workout. not cool, garmin. 

anyone know what could make the battery die suddenly? I don't want this to happen again! 

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