Monday, August 1, 2011

127 - monday

I went grocery shopping today. I spent so much money (but really just what a normal person spends on groceries for two people for 2+ weeks) that my bank sent me a fraud alert email to make sure it was really me. apparently, the abrupt change from living on peanut butter and ramen noodles to buying fancy things like fruits and vegetables tipped them off that something was up. something IS up, bank! t is coming home AND I'm dying for some real nutrients = double your people, double your veggie intake, double your grocery bill.

anyway. it was pretty dire around here today before I made it to the store. I was out of everything. no, really. everything. I didn't even have any cans of chickpeas left, and those are my usual go-to, no-food-but-at-least-I-have-chickpeas savior.

now look me in the eye and tell me that isn't the saddest inside of a refrigerator you've ever seen. fast forward a few hours and many dollars later: ta-da!

sing it with me: VEGETABLESSSSS!!!!!! I'm so happy to have healthy food in the house again. I couldn't take another meal of ramen or peanut butter toast.

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