Wednesday, August 3, 2011

129 - wednesday

hi! guess what today is?

today is the day that t comes home from deployment!

of course, I had a lot of things to do today to prepare for his arrival. make the bed for the first time in weeks? check. paint my nails so I don't nibble them all day in a fit of t's-coming-home anxiety? check. mow the lawn so that he thinks, damn my yard looks good? check. sweep the bathroom so he doesn't realize how much I shed? check. swap the pajamas all day look for real clothes? sigh. check.

it's not that I'm putting on airs for the man - we've lived together before - it's just that, for the past two months, I have been at home alone. I like putting real clothes on and I like painting my nails. but I've had no one to look nice for in a while, so I'm going for it tonight. oh. and did I mention I haven't seen him since MARCH? yeah. it's a special occasion. he deserves me looking my best.  (ps - for all those friends who like to whine via facebook/twitter status about their significant other going away on 2-7 day business trips? suck it up, buttercup.)

so since I've been running around like crazy all day, trying not to freak out (the #1 item on my to-do list today is "remain calm"), I haven't really eaten anything. I had a bowl of cereal this morning, but I'm not really hungry. I'm too excited to be hungry. this is the opposite of stressed. when I'm stressed I eat EVERYTHING (eat almost an entire bag of almond hershey kisses and only hershey kisses for breakfast, lunch, and dinner while frantically typing out final papers? peanut butter by the spoonful? that's me!).

I realized it was almost 7pm and that I really should probably eat something, so I made greek nachos. they were delicious. I think you should make some, too. here is the super complicated recipe.

greek nachos. serves: me.

  • 9 triscuits (I used reduced fat)
  • oregano
  • black pepper
  • olive oil
  • feta much as you want. I won't tell, I promise. feta addicts anonymous.
(1) preheat broiler on high. line up triscuits on a baking sheet. I like to pack mine in tightly so the cheese stays on the cracker.

(2) using a spoon, sprinkle feta all over the crackers. make sure the cheese is evenly distributed to all edges - if you concentrate it in the middle, your outer crackers will be sad.

(3) add a few generous shakes of oregano and black pepper. it should look like one awesome, mega-triscuit covered in cheese and herbs.

(4) drizzle all over with olive oil. feta really likes to be drizzled with olive oil; so do triscuits. they drink it up. use as much as you want. again, your secret's safe with me.

(5) gently (so the mega-triscuit stays intact) transfer baking sheet to the oven. let broil for 6-8 minutes, checking occasionally to prevent exposed cracker from burning.

delicious nom on its way to get eaten

aaand enjoy! now I have something to nibble on instead of my very nice looking manicure. excellent. 

see you tomorrow! with this guy

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