Wednesday, July 13, 2011

105 - sunday

friday night, my brother had a "bonfire" (in the grill) with my sister's boyfriend. manly. then he decided he wished to sleep outside, so he dragged his futon from the garage out onto the patio. I admit to feeling a little judgy about it, but it turns out that south beach and las vegas and all those fancy places have daybeds next to their pools for a reason: THEY'RE AWESOME. napping all day in the gorgeous weather, next to the pool? yes, please. 

 we have an extra umbrella for the patio table. extra umbrella for the poolside daybed, I mean. 

or, you know, for bringing in the pool. portable shade.  

 the pup approves of the daybed. it's the ideal combination of his favorite things: being in bed + being outside + sleeping + staying on top of the chipmunks' comings and goings. plus, it's low enough that his little wiener dog legs can easily propel him up or down off the thing. 

while my brother was smart enough to snooze in the shade, I accidentally took a two hour nap in the pool without reapplying sunscreen (I KNOW) and so now I have a horrendous sunburned stripe down the middle of my body. not on the sides, not on the back, just on the stripe of me that wasn't in the water. classy.

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