Wednesday, July 20, 2011

115 - wednesday

when I was a kid, we had a cherry tree in the front yard. I get a little woozy about heights these days, but back then I loved climbing trees. my brother and our neighbors and I used to spend so much time in and around that tree, dangling way too far out on branches, trying to pick the cherries that even the squirrels weren't sure-footed enough to grab. in all my years of loving fresh, sweet cherries, I've never seen siamese twin cherries until today.

I just finished reading cutting for stone two days ago. I stole the book out from under my mom when I was visiting; she claims she was "in the middle of reading it," but she started it when she was on vacation in puerto rico - in FEBRUARY - and still was barely a third of the way through. I figured I'd take it, devour it (I have a voracious appetite for good books), and send it back before she noticed it was gone.

she noticed. sorry, mom!

anyway, the book's protagonists are siamese twins whose conjoinment (not a word? now it's a word) is separated shortly after they're born. since my mother is a slow reader of books but a regular reader of my blog, I won't ruin the book by offering any further details. but I will say that my conjoined cherries today seemed timely given the story I've just finished.

in case you're wondering: one stem, two pits.

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