Tuesday, May 17, 2011

51 - tuesday

some of my girlfriends are into what they call "retail therapy."

honestly, when I'm (1) stressed (2) sad (3) angry (4) brokenhearted (5) any combination of the above, the last thing I want to do is go buy clothes. are you kidding me? I feel like garbage. I don't want to put on tight jeans or a bathing suit and look at myself in a dressing room mirror. that will NOT make me feel better. that will make me feel homicidal.

this morning, though, after a particularly frantic scramble to turn in a paper I crossed off my list yesterday (never do that! never cross it off until it's ACTUALLY done! ugh) and a particularly frazzled meeting about my fellowship and thursday's looming capstone conference, I headed to target. mostly because I needed a birthday card for t, but also because I couldn't bear the thought of returning home to face my computer. I was there for an hour. I didn't try on a single piece of clothing, though I did walk through the clothes just to see what being a normal girl feels like (I'm not cut out for this retail therapy you people speak of. it just made me more stressed out). but I DID buy this pretty new stationary.

your days are numbered, crappy photo-taking camera. it's not my fault that there's no natural light because it's raining and cold for the umpteenth day in a row.

I'm throwing myself a graduation/going-away combo pack party in a few weeks before I embark on the long drive to georgia. yes, I'm throwing it for myself. my family is technically hosting but let's be honest, they've got bigger, uglier fish to fry right now than my little cocktail hour. I put together the guest list the other night with my mom over thai food, and I do believe these pretty little cards shall serve as invitations. I also pre-purchased thank you notes on the off chance that my relatives feel inclined to toss a little cash my way. they match the invitations. that's cute, right? see, I can handle retail therapy - so long as it's for stationary.  I swear some days I'm more like a middle aged housewife than a twenty-something girl.

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