Thursday, April 7, 2011

11 - thursday

I miss my girlfriends so much my heart aches. my best friends in the world are my sorority sisters.  great friends don't just share in the sunny days,

fourth of july in boston

and they aren't just there for the party.

las vegas

great friends will fly hundreds of miles to be there for you when you are terrified of doing something new, and need their support:

seattle marathon

they will also challenge you. they will push you to be a better, more honest, more compassionate person. I value my friendship with these women because we balance one another. we call each other out.  we are accountable to one another. 

t said something careless to me today, and it stung more than it should have.  I was running tonight - trying to run off the funk of a mood that his comment put me in - and thinking to myself, what does he know? oooohh I was so angry.  I executed a perfect tempo run, which involved gradually building to 5k pace up a mile-long hill.  I didn't even think about the running.  my mind just raced.

the answer is, he knows a lot about me. and it's not fair to push away the people you love, who love you.  my girlfriends are among the best people I know. so is t. 

something my friends and I (and a lot of people in my life) struggle with is loving someone without disappearing into that person.  we are spread to the four corners of the map: beth is in boston, I'm (soon to be) in atlanta, miriam is in seattle and marissa is in los angeles.  starting lives with our significant others in these far-flung places means sharing a part of ourselves with these new people. I realized today that no matter how much I love t and he loves me, I have to preserve a part of me for myself. but there also has to be a part of me that is only his to keep, and a part of me that only my best girls know. I really needed them tonight to pull me back to center, but luckily they will always be just a phone call away. 

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