Tuesday, April 12, 2011

16 - tuesday

I've come to accept that one of the best ways to get myself to stay on task is to use bribes.  sometimes this is necessary when I'm running ("if you persist through this hill session and run every repeat hard, you can have a muffin on the way to school this morning").  sometimes this is necessary when I'm doing work ("if you finish writing this paper you can watch two episodes of 30 rock").  

today, I'm applying to jobs.  ah, the old the j-o-b search.  this process is always daunting.  seriously, you'd think it'd get easier over time.  no such luck. and so, you're probably wondering, what's the bribe of the day?

"if you work hard on cover letters until 2:10, you get to go have FREE ben&jerry's ice cream!" yep, today is free cone day aka one of my most favorite days of the year. I rarely eat ice cream, so the promise of FREE ice cream is especially good for bribing me into doing my work. 

(funny side story: I set my alarm and when it went off, accidentally hit "snooze" instead of ending the alarm.  nine minutes later, walking to my car... AWOOOOOGA.  AWOOOOOGA.  my phone started going off, making car horn noises in my backpack.  my hands were too full to pull it out and turn it off, so I just let it go.  I laughed all the way to my car. slightly embarrassing but so funny.) 

and then it was time for my sweet reward! I met rickie there. we had to wait in line...

but it was sooo worth it! 

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