Wednesday, June 29, 2011

94 - wednesday

before we start: for the record, today = 1000x better than yesterday.

I did next to nothing today. sure, I made a delicious brunch, and sure, I applied to another job, and sure, I ran seven sweaty miles. but I wore my pajamas until 3:50pm and mostly did a lot of relaxing. normally I'm fidgety, but every now and again, I can get behind a good, lazy day. today was that day.

so why is it after 10:30 at night, and my bed looks like this?

princess and the pea. what can I say? I like pillows.
I also like that my childhood blankie still comes to bed with 24 year old me. judge freely.

oh...oh that's right. my sheets are all in the dryer because I did practically nothing all day yet I managed to fail to get my laundry done before bedtime. what's that you say? hey michaela, aren't there more than one set of sheets? yes, there are. but then I'll have to fold the ones that are in the dryer, on top of having to make the bed. and if you haven't caught on already: I'm in serious slacker mode today. 

now if you'll excuse me, I need to quit bitching and moaning and make the bed. begrudgingly. 

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