Tuesday, June 14, 2011

79 - tuesday

remember when I used to run a lot and write about it, and then I went on a run-cation? and vowed to do lots of cross-training and yoga, but instead life got busy and I made excuses and had an incredibly stressful conference presentation and then I graduated and moved to georgia and no meaningful or significant cross-training or yoga (or anything) happened?

from averaging 25 miles per week to fewer than 25 in a month. woof.

about that.

I went for my first run in the georgia summer heat this morning.

my legs have been feeling creaky from all the driving and box-lifting and my soul has been craving a good hard workout. the air conditioning finally got fixed yesterday, which made sweating outside seem somehow bearable. so around 7:30 this morning, I set out to run 4 miles.

the run felt really good. I learned the hard way that I need to carry water with me even on short runs and that I need to get out by 6am in order to beat the heat. on second thought, the sprinklers are set to come on at 6:30. I should probably try to time it so that I get home in time to jump in them. yes, grown lady over here. never said I was sane.

I kept my pace super slow and never really felt like I was exerting myself, but by the end of the third mile my head was spinning. I walked about 3/4 of a mile and then jogged the rest of the way home, where I took this stunner. try not to be blown away by my good looks and steady camera-holding hand. I also weighed myself. I lost over a pound running 4.2 miles. that is some serious sweat.

no, I didn't just dump water over my head, but thanks for asking.

CONCLUSION: I'm glad I finally got my behind in gear and went running, but I have a lot to learn about running in this heat and a lot of acclimating to do before I can do it well. marathon training starts fourth of july weekend, which gives me two weeks to get back in the swing of things. I just can't wait for t to get home (six weeks! six weeks!!!) and run circles around my pathetic heat-exhausted self because he's been running in the scorching middle east all summer and 90 degrees feels like winter to him.

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