Wednesday, June 2, 2010

43 - wednesday

my little sister never ceases to amaze me.  she is completely brilliant, one of those students who always seems to be having a wild time with friends instead of studying, yet still brings home straight A's (why didn't I get that gene?).  she makes the most flawless, textbook perfect grilled cheese you've ever had.  she has an infectious laugh.  she's graduating from high school this weekend, boston-bound in the fall on a nearly full ride at northeastern university in the engineering honors program.  and she's an incredible athlete: a week ago, when I was all "woe is me" about the temperature outside, she was out on the lacrosse field destroying her biggest rival and helping her team secure a spot in the playoffs.

have I mentioned that she's amazing?

tonight she played in the state semi-final division 1 lacrosse game against the undefeated #1 seed.  they had two brutal (as in... total scoreboard slaughter) regular season defeats against this team, and were looking to defy all odds and bring home the win this afternoon.  when I got there they were down by 3 goals, which quickly grew to a five-goal deficit.  not great odds with twelve minutes to play in the game. then there was some confusing stick jabs-to-the-ribs and facemask-pulling and violating the player's running space (I'm not good at lacrosse rules, bear with me) and it ended in the other team getting back-to-back yellow cards.  which gave us a five minute power play.  

leave it to teenage girls to boomerang from completely discouraged to FIRED UP in a split second.  they came roaring back, scoring six consecutive goals and taking the lead at 16-15.   one of the moms sitting next to me was crying she was so excited.  everyone - the coach included - was jumping up and down, fist pumping and cheering.  seriously the most intense and emotional crowd I have ever been a part of.  

when the power play ended, the other team quickly tied the score.  with less than a minute to play my brilliant, beautiful, wickedly funny little sister made a quick sideways jump to block a shot, and re-sprained her ankle when she landed.  she was sobbing as she hobbled off the field.  

...aaaand, with 0.4 seconds remaining in the game, the other team knocked in a goal, and that was it.

if there is any way to leave or end something that you love, it has to be at your personal pinnacle.  her team has struggled with some technical imperfections over the season, but tonight they were just dead on, every play.  this was hands down one of the best sporting events I have ever attended.  and I am going to be SO proud of my sister on sunday when she graduates, even if she has to hobble on that ankle across the stage!  

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