Tuesday, June 15, 2010

56 - tuesday

last fall, buddy broke his back and had to have reconstructive spine surgery in order to save his life.  he spent a whole week in the dog hospital, and when he was finally allowed to come home we were instructed to give him "aquatherapy" - to put him in a full bathtub and support his belly while he practiced kicking his back legs.  the problem is that buddy hates water.  when he was five months old, he fell into the pool and got trapped under the cover and almost drowned, and ever since there's been no getting him to swim.

since my brother's been home, he's been giving the dog swimming lessons.  this amounts to two steps:  first, putting him on the top step, getting him wet, then letting him get out and shake.  for this he gets a carrot.  second, putting him all the way in, walking him across the shallow end, and having him swim across to the steps.  for each lap he completes, he gets half a piece of cheese.  when they started he could only do one lap before he got too tired and started to sink; now he's up to two.  and when it's really hot outside, he gets on the top step by himself and lies down, just to cool off.  major progress for a dog who it used to be impossible to get near water.

tonight was cold, so we only did step one, but he did great.  he doesn't cry or panic or hide once he gets out - just calmly gets on the step, lets me scoop water all over him, then gets his treat.

the swimming has definitely made a difference in how he feels.  before, he used to wait to be carried up the stairs because it bothered his back and hips.  since he's been swimming, he bounds up and down the stairs without any trouble.  and isn't he the cutest all wrapped up in his towel?

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